Monday, December 1, 2008

The Beginning

I am starting this in attempt to get my thoughts out...feelings..the reason I suppose most people write. I am not sure anyone else will find them of interest but I hope just putting them down will help me arrange them some how in my head. I have always loved words..and how like many other things they can take you right back to a place in time...a scent..a feeling...something that is hard to conjure up without a muse...but once you find is as if they have read your is exactly how you felt in a moment in time..I suppose it is a way of connecting us all. Fascinating isn't it? That letters lined up in the precise order either on a screen or on a page can touch so many people..educate people..anger people..bring them solace..heal them. My writing has never been "novel" material..short stories..little pieces of life..observations..a word or two. I will include past writings here as well as current. So this is my beginning...a place to heal myself.


  1. Thanks for inviting me to be a part of this.
    Love ya. Kara

  2. It's just like old times! When I read your words I can picture you saying them. This is great. Thanks for sharing. Love, Debbie

  3. I have to agree with Debbie. When I read your words I hear your voice and your laughter. Even if it's not funny you always make me smile (OR laugh) SLICK
